Jarred Garfinkle, MD, MSc, FRCP, Néonatologiste

Fait amusant 

J'aime faire du vélo et du kayak avec ma famille.

J'adore travailler avec les enfants et leur famille pour la raison suivante 
J'aime travailler avec les enfants et leurs familles, car je suis le témoin direct de leur résilience et de leur force.

Renseignements hospitaliers

Prix et distinctions 
  • Society for Pediatric Research Richard D. Rowe Award for Clinical Research (2019)
  • Canadian Institutes of Health Research Fellowship (2018-2020)
Postes universitaires 
  • Assistant Professor, Department of Pediatrics, McGill University
Autres postes 
  • Investigator, Research Institute, McGill University Health Centre


  • Master of Science, Institute of Medical Sciences, University of Toronto
  • Collaborative Program in Neuroscience, University of Toronto
  • Clinician Investigator Program, University of Toronto
Diplôme de médecine 
  • MDCM, McGill University, Canada
  • Resident, Department of Pediatrics, McGill University, Canada
  • Neonatal-Perinatal Medicine, University of Toronto, Canada
  • Sick Kids Neonatal Neurology Fellowship, University of Toronto, Canada


Intérêts de recherche 

My research focuses on understanding the antecedents and learning how to best manage brain injury in preterm newborns. Brain injury and neurodevelopment in at-risk newborns

Aires de recherche 
  • Antecedents of preterm brain dysmaturation
  • Outcome following preterm brain injury

Preterm, brain injury, brain development, neurodevelopment

Publications choisies 
  • Garfinkle J, Boychuck Z, Li P, Bussières A, Majnemer A. What early clinical signs should prompt referral for diagnosis of cerebral palsy? A Scoping review. Ped Neurol 2020;102:56-61.
  • Garfinkle J, Yoon EW, Alvaro R, Nwaesei C, Claveau M, Lee SK, Shah PS. Trends in sex-specific differences in outcomes in extreme preterms: progress or natural barriers? Arch Dis Child Fetal Neonatal Ed 2020;105:158-163.
  • Garfinkle J, Miller SP. The placenta and neurodevelopment in preterm newborns. NeoReviews 2018; 19:e456-e466.