Sam Shemie

Renseignements hospitaliers

Postes universitaires 
  • Professeur de pédiatrie, Université McGill
  • Membre honoraire du département de soins intensifs de l’Hospital for Sick Children, Université de Toronto
Autres postes 

Conseiller, dons d’organes post-mortem, Société canadienne du sang


Publications choisies 
Hornby K, Hornby L, Shemie SD. A systematic review of autoresuscitation after cardiac arrest. Crit Care Med, 2010 Mar 11. [Epub ahead of print]

Bernat JL, Capron AM, Bleck TP, Blosser S, Bratton SL, Childress JF, De Vita MA, Fulda GJ, Gries CJ, Mathur M, Nakagawa, TA, Rushton CH, Shemie SD, White DB. The circulatory-respiratory determination of death in organ donation. Crit Care Med 38(3):963-70, 2010.

Shemie SD, Lee D, Sharpe M, Tampieri D, Young B, and on behalf of the participants in the Expert Consensus Meeting on Brain Blood Flow in the Neurological Determination of Death. Brain blood flow in the neurological determination of death: Canadian expert consensus recommendations. Can J Neurol Sci, 35(2):140-5, 2008.